Friday, July 19, 2024

ANS -- Rebecca Solnit added....

She had this to say today.  I agree with her completely.  Times a-wastin' -- shit or get off the pot.

Christ, we're in Day 21 of Biden Must Go, by people who have had 21 days to anoint the replacement and build the campaign and start raising the money and they don't actually have a plan or a campaign or money, so far as I can tell. Or a candidate, but they're still eager to push Biden out. This does not make sense to me. And it's outrageous to complain about Biden's polling numbers after three weeks of doing everything they can to crash them. Obviously I'll support whoever runs against the authoritarians, but destroying the campaign and candidate you have for one you'd like to have but cannot come up with does not seem brilliant. Meanwhile the grotesque parade of hate, lies, criminals and plans of harm to immigrants, women, democracy, and the environment goes on at the RNC largely unremarked.

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