Thursday, July 04, 2024

ANS -- Children With Cancer Shouldn’t Be Allowed To Get Chemotherapy

This article, at least the first half, is satire.  



Children With Cancer Shouldn't Be Allowed To Get Chemotherapy

If People Talked About Cancer The Same Way They Talk About Gender Dysphoria

Lilith Helstrom
The Left Is Right

Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

I don't think kids should be allowed to get chemotherapy when they're diagnosed with cancer. I know that kids say they need it and that kids die all the time from cancer, but they're too young to actually consent to medical treatments.

That's why we differentiate minors from adults. Kids are too young to think about such things or make such big decisions. And what if they change their mind later?

They likely just think they have cancer because it's trendy. I mean, all of us have heard of the book, "A Fault In Our Stars," right? It was so popular that it was made into a movie and the book was all about kids having cancer.

They probably just watched that movie and wanted to fit in and get some attention. You know how kids are, they think things like having cancer is cool, so they pretend to have it to fit in with their peers.

It doesn't matter that doctors have diagnosed them with cancer or that their parents consent to it. The decision to get chemotherapy is irreversible.

I mean, chemotherapy is a very serious treatment that can alter your body forever. It can make people unable to have children and change their entire body chemistry. Why don't we just put off them getting such treatments until they are adults and can make better informed decisions?

Or maybe, just maybe, doing this would hurt children with cancer. Maybe a bunch of them would be traumatized and die if we did this to them, so we should trust medical diagnoses and doctors when it comes to these things. Because to not give them treatment will also affect them forever.

And in the same way, gender dysphoria kills children through suicide all the time. Not letting them take puberty blockers will force them to go through a type of puberty that will traumatize them for life. And we should just trust the doctors and science to know how to treat them because just like with cancer, it can't wait.

And unlike chemotherapy, puberty blockers are reversible and not hard on the body. Puberty blockers can't kill you like chemotherapy can.

And it actually lets children put off the decision of what gender they'd like to present to the world until they're an adult, instead of forcing them to behave like a cisgender person.

Wouldn't it be nice if we could put off children having to make big decisions about chemotherapy until they were adults? Well, we can do that with gender transitioning for kids diagnosed with gender dysphoria. So why criticize the medication instead of embracing it? Unless you want to force all trans kids to feel like they have to pretend to be cisgender.

Lilith Helstrom
The Left Is Right

I talk about religion, sex, emotions, and life. Whatever I happen to be thinking about that I think might be interesting. Top Writer in multiple categories.

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