Tuesday, November 21, 2023

ANS -- It’s Time to Carefully Document Trump’s Decline

Here is some advice for Democrats.  Trump's mental state is obviously declining.  He says we need to point that out. 


It's Time to Carefully Document Trump's Decline

There is a story the right doesn't want us to see



Photo by NIR HIMI on Unsplash

In fact, they are capitalizing on it. The crazier Trump acts, the more popular he becomes, at least that is the assumption. This may be a big mistake by the Republican Party going into 2024, and an opportunity for the Democrats.

Of course the Democrats have shown no ability to take advantage of stories like this, unlike their counterparts at Fox and elsewhere who have successfully portrayed Biden as senile and declining.

Trump's decline makes Joe Biden look sharp as a tack. But that story is not getting told. And Trump's crazy is all on the record, like yesterday's performance in court testimony in NY.

Any other American behaving like that under oath would be found in contempt and viewed as the rude, spoiled child we saw, a grown man whining about fairness and the judge being mean to him.

When is the last time you heard an adult complaining about someone being mean to them?

It would be laughable, but this guy gets a free pass and he knows it. Over the years he has carefully created the idea that he is above the law and that normal behavior is for chumps, for suckers who play by the rules. And it has been incredibly effective for him.

He was the lovable clown rich guy from New York City, brazen and cocky and laughing at the fools around him who followed the rules.

Now the clown act may get him re-elected to the Presidency.

It's time to build the case that the man is mentally ill, and to use his own speech and actions against him, and to be relentless in the process. There is no shortage of material to work with.

The anti-Trump Republican activist group The Lincoln Project has been very good at this, but they have treated this stuff as a scary joke, not as the serious breakdown we are witnessing, if we only stop and realize that is the reality.

The man is dangerously unstable and increasingly unable to exercise any self-control. Witness his statements about terrorist groups in the Middle East being "smart" in the wake of the October 7th atrocities in Israel.

How the hell did he get a pass for that one?

I realize the Republicans have decided to go all in on this guy and pretend he is legitimate. History will not view this well, if history is not erased by their success. But Democrats have no excuse. We need to use his words and actions the way he would.

As blunt instruments to break him and show his followers that he is a hollow and sick man, not some kind of hero.

It's so obvious. But for some reason we stick to being reasonable and well-mannered while he eats us alive. Why aren't we making the case, over and over again, that he is the one losing it mentally, that he is a massive failure, that he is a man who cannot ever be trusted?

The nice guy routine needs to go, we need to go after this guy with everything we have, and by the way, there is plenty. He gives us more every day.

It's pretty simple. Hire attack dog video producers and give them free rein. Don't rely on talking head pundits on the news to 'analyze' his actions like his shameful court antics this week. Put those antics in a commercial and ask the public how they would be treated if they behaved that way.

Tell the story of his endless scams and lies. Ridicule him- it's the one thing that makes him lose it and we need to make him lose it, over and over.

Call him the loser he is every time he loses. There are plenty of opportunities.

This isn't rocket science. It's not even challenging. The guy is giving us the ammunition on a silver-plated platter and we are ignoring it.

His business is failing.

His kids are complicit idiots,

His wife won't be seen in public with him.

His behaviors border on treason and endanger others.

He will say anything to get attention.

His lifestyle is ugly and ostentatious in the tackiest way possible.

He can't control his temper and ignores any advice from others.

He demands loyalty and rewards it by discarding allies when things get tough.

It's endless and we have miles of footage of him doing and being these things. The guy threw tables of food around in the White House when he didn't get his way, for Christ's sakes!

Yes, it's tabloid stuff. That's where he belongs and we need to say it, over and over.

Forget playing softball, Democrats. He never has and it is going to destroy our democracy if we don't get serious.

We need to take him and his followers down hard, now.

~ I write The Grasshopper, a letter for creatives, The Witness Chronicles, a weekly digest of three of my articles on politics and climate, and The Remarkable, a recovery letter, about my addiction and reentry experience. All are weekly and free with a paid option to share support. Please check them out.

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Believe me, it makes my day. M

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