Tuesday, June 02, 2020

ANS -- How to end Rioting

this is a Facebook post by Brad Hicks.  Read it.  It's about how to end rioting.

Fifty-two years ago, after a few really bad years for rioting, Congress appointed the Kerner Commission to find out why there were so many riots, and what could be done to stop them.
They were expected to recommend a law-and-order approach, more militarized policing. They were expected to recommend an educational and cultural effort to cure what everybody assumed was pathological "black culture."
Instead, after doing their research, the Kerner Commission concluded that black Americans were facing such horrifying conditions that if white Americans were treated the same way, they'd be rioting, too. So they said that the choice really was this stark. Either do the following two things ...
* Put real teeth into equal housing, lending, and employment law AND fully enforce it. And ...
* Reform every police and sheriff department in the US, and every jail and prison and court, to permanently remove everyone who is bigoted, bullying, or corrupt. Do both of those two things ...
Or else accept that the riots will erupt intermittently and will in all probability get worse.
A scant few months later, Richard Nixon got elected, in no small part because his platform was "we're not going to do those two things." Ever since then, that has been the platform of the Republican Party.
In 1992, Bill Clinton won the Democratic party primary and got elected president, in part by running on a platform of "we're not going to do those two things." Ever since then, that has been the platform of the Democratic Party. (Although I will grant that that may be turning around now.)
If you were EVER okay with that? You don't get to complain about the rioters. You chose this. And you could choose otherwise, and stop the riots, any time the majority wants to.

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