Saturday, August 26, 2017

ANS -- The Kids are Socialists Because Capitalism is Dickslapping the Planet

I just want you to see what's out there.  This is short and is telling why the kids are going socialist.  Hmmmm.   

The Kids are Socialists Because Capitalism is Dickslapping the Planet

Capitalism doesn't have a plan, you know. It only goes in one direction and it doesn't care what you want.

The most advanced capitalist states are literally at the stage of collapse and yet we deny that perhaps the problem is capitalism. Capitalism is a system that we can prove with any science is fucking the planet and yet the rich can convince most this is progress. This is like burning your hands on a hot stove and thinking the problem is anything but fire.

Capitalism not only eats babies, it makes sure those babies suffer horrific and needless deaths first because suffering is less costly than care. Better if their parents are helpless to do anything but watch. Teaches the rest the lesson.

Capitalism does better the more people are made to suffer. Why? Because those who are made to suffer are the easiest to domesticate and farm for profit. Learned helplessness. Come on. Our freedom is leashed because capitalism profits that way.

Capitalism wants your parents to die long, drawn-out, painful deaths from preventable diseases because managing slow, painful death is a hugely profitable enterprise employing tens of thousands of people. Don't question what makes good-paying jobs, idiot. Fastest growing career sector.

Capitalism is why there are six empty houses in this country for every homeless person but thousands still freeze to death. Capitalism is why we waste 40 percent of our food while children die of starvation. Capitalism is why 200 species went extinct today. Capitalism is why we're all going to war for oil under the North Pole. Capitalism is why your kid is going to die in a water riot.

Capitalism is the state religion of sociopaths.

If your kid is a Socialist, at least you raised a kid with a fucking heart.

If you're not a Socialist, I don't even know where to start.

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