Tuesday, September 07, 2010


One of our readers sent this to Jerry Brown, and to me.  Enjoy.

Largely visual, quite short, high impact for $$$.  Scenes sequence:

(Whitman faces are an artist's unmistakable likeness, in consistent style, but NOT photos.  ONLY PLACE "CALIFORNIA" appears is last screen.)

1)  Whitman dreamy face, piles of $$$ and glittery gold coins and bars  3-4 seconds is plenty,  No text.

2)  REALLY dreamy Whitman face, smaller, center, with huge yacht, State of Texas, Giant baby toy of some kind? etc, around.  Total of 5.  [California is NOT SHOWN]     3.3 seconds.
Optional voice-over, last 1.8 seconds, text in at bottom..."What can I buy to play with next?"  or just "Meg wonders...."

The "...to play with phrasing...", if used, and images can be as scathing as you want.  Do in Spanish first, then English, if short enough.  KEEP IT VERY TERSE.

3)  Meg face, with "AHHH" EXPRESSION, 1/3rd of screen.  Remaining 2 items, combination of Gov Mansion, State outline map, with "NN Million Citizens" on it.  Visual only, no text or voice-over, or maybe just the "AHHH".  2.5 seconds.

4)  Latino person, Anglo,  American Indian, 2 more--varying ethnicity. Total of 4-5.  Each, varying script and emphasis, "Meg didn't vote for 28 years.  Not much interest in government there.  Let her buy the leadership of our state?  No way"  (My script here is very preliminary--again, terse, "natural to the person" in articulateness....    Total 15 seconds or less?

5)  Silent, yellow against black ending, "California is not a toy for a billionaire to buy".


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

spscnxkanorsvtglmbhf, justin bieber baby, qtassva.