Saturday, September 14, 2024

ANS -- HCR September 11, 2024 (Wednesday)

Here is one from Heather cox Richardson.  It's about the debate between Trump and Harris.  It has one particular paragraph that seemed important to me.  I will highlight it if I can. 

Heather Cox Richardson's Post

September 11, 2024 (Wednesday)
Today's fallout from last night's presidential debate between Democratic nominee Vice President Kamala Harris and Republican nominee former president Donald Trump has shown Harris solidifying her dominant position. Trump increasingly looks as if the anger he has been displaying is a way to hide the fear that he is losing control.
After debates, surrogates for a nominee talk to journalists in what's known as a "spin room," where they try to spin the event in favor of their candidate. John Bowden of The Independent described his time in last night's spin room as "the strangest moments of my political career." As usual, Republican surrogates immediately attacked the moderators for fact-checking the debate.
But it was clear, Bowden wrote, that the campaign officials were panicking. Even Fox News Channel reporters said that Trump had performed badly, and Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) called the debate a "disaster." But MAGA Republicans, whom Trump has elevated far beyond any position they could achieve without him, were lashing out on his behalf.
Republican vice presidential candidate J.D. Vance attacked the moderators and doubled down on the lie that Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio, were eating their neighbors' pets, despite statements from Springfield police and the town manager that there is no evidence for such a statement. Anti-immigrant Trump advisor Stephen Miller melted down when Hispanic reporter José María Del Pino asked him where he got his figures saying that crime in Venezuela had dropped dramatically.
The Trump campaign had told reporters that Vance would be the top surrogate for the evening, but after the debate, Trump himself appeared in the spin room to override his surrogates' attempts to blame his performance on the moderators and instead assure reporters that he had won the debate. It is highly unusual for a candidate to go to the spin room in person, and his appearance demonstrated that Trump was aware that he was in trouble. Reporters seemed to agree: "If you won tonight, why are you here?" one can be heard saying to him. "Why not let the performance speak for itself?"
"Trump has come in the spin room and he is desperately trying to get the attention that I think he needs as oxygen at this point," an MSNBC reporter told MSNBC host Rachel Maddow. "Is he literally standing there like he's his own surrogate trying to get people to talk to him about his own performance?" Maddow asked. "Wow. That's something. That is not a sign of strength or confidence in your own performance when you're trying to extend past the final bell…."
Answering questions did not appear to help him. When asked once again to answer whether he would veto a national abortion bill, he answered: "It was a perfect answer on abortion, and I've done a great job on that, and I've brought our country together." And then he walked out.
All day today, he posted and reposted statements that he had won the debate—including a message of support from former Tenet Media commentator Benny Johnson, whose paycheck was paid by Russia—but it was hard to miss that Trump's performance was historically bad. Sarah Longwell of The Bulwark, who studies focus groups, said that "[a]cross the board,' a "focus group of swing voters from swing states" thought Harris won the debate. Longtime Republican pollster Frank Luntz went on record saying that Trump's debate performance would cost him the presidential race. The Harris campaign's ongoing trolling of Trump was perhaps even harsher: it posted the entire hour and forty minute debate as a campaign ad.
Meanwhile, by 2:00 this afternoon, Taylor Swift's endorsement had prompted 337,826 people to start the process of registering to vote.
All day today, reporters fact checked Trump's statements, proving them lies. But lies have never damaged him; they reinforce his dominance by forcing subordinates to agree that the person in charge gets to determine what reality is. Victims must surrender either their integrity or their ownership of their own perceptions; in either case, once they have agreed to a deliberate lie, it becomes harder to challenge later ones since that means acknowledging the other times they caved.
That's why the lie about the size of the crowd at Trump's inauguration is so important: it is the foundational lie on which all the others stand. Harris, who spent her legal career dealing with criminals and abusers who depend on this technique, knew exactly how to undermine it. She made fun of it, making his "obsession with crowd sizes" a national joke. The jokes set him off not only because he cannot bear to be laughed at, but also because challenging that lie challenges all the others.
Following Harris's lead, posters on social media turned to memes today, setting Trump's assertion that "they're eating the cats," to Vince Guaraldi's theme "Linus and Lucy" from the Peanuts movies, for example, and designing the same statement as a Dr. Seuss book, as well as posting pictures of live pets wrapped in bread and rolls.
Observers correctly noted that the racist trope of immigrants eating pets dehumanizes marginalized people who are already vulnerable, putting them in danger. While posters and media have repeatedly pointed out that the Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio, are there legally and have revitalized the city, making fun of those sharing such a stupid lie has a different kind of potential to defang it.
And, aside from Trump's evident worry, there are signs that Trump is vulnerable. House speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) had scheduled a vote today on the continuing resolution to fund the government before the government will have to shut down on October 1. That measure included the voter suppression measure Trump demanded yesterday in all caps. Today, Johnson pulled the vote.
Republicans are also breaking with Trump over the idea of an interest rate cut. Trump does not want the Fed to lower the cost of borrowing money before the election despite the softening job market—cheaper money should bolster the economy and provide more jobs—and has vowed that if he is reelected, he will take control of the Fed, which is now an independent institution. But Republicans are backing away from his demands. Representative Dan Meuser, a Trump supporter from the swing state of Pennsylvania, told Jasper Goodman and Eleanor Mueller of Politico that he supports a cut. "You've got to put the greater good ahead of looking political," he said.
Today the share price of Trump Media & Technology Group (DJT), the owner of the Truth Social platform, fell to new lows. The stock fell more than 10% today, ending the day at $16.68 from a high over $60 a share in April. In May, Trump's stock was valued at more than $6 billion, although the company is losing money and has very few users. The drop over the last several months has wiped away more than $4 billion of that value. Trump needs money for his legal bills and settlements, as well as his businesses, and can begin to cash out on his stock soon, but selling much of it was always going to be a problem because if he dumped it, the bottom would fall out. Now selling is a problem because its value is dropping.
In the face of concern that Trump and Vance have been suggesting they would challenge the results of the 2024 election, the Department of Homeland Security took steps to protect the January 6, 2025, session of Congress that will count the electoral votes that will decide the presidency. They have put January 6, 2025, on the same security level as the Super Bowl or a major event like the U.N. General Assembly.
Finally, today is the 23rd anniversary of 9/11, the day terrorists from the al-Qaeda network used four civilian airplanes as weapons against the United States, and Trump used its commemoration to demonstrate another dominance trait: that he will behave however he wishes. Trump attended a remembrance with right-wing extremist Laura Loomer, who has shared not only the false pet-eating conspiracy theory, but also the false theory that "9/11 was an Inside Job!" Recently, she posted an appalling attack on Vice President Harris. Today she posted that she joined Trump because "I believe in unconditional loyalty to those who are deserving. And there is nobody more deserving of our loyalty and unwavering support than Donald Trump."
President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris each issued statements about the anniversary. Biden vowed that the nation will never forget the attack, those lost, their families, and "the heroic citizens and survivors who rushed to help their fellow Americans. And never forget that when faced with evil—and an enemy that sought to tear us apart—we endured."
Harris echoed Biden. She also emphasized the national unity the crisis created as people came together to deny the terrorists the achievement of their goal "to attack and destroy our way of life—our democracy, our freedoms, and everything we hold dear as Americans." She thanked the military personnel who served in Afghanistan and elsewhere to root out terrorism, and urged Americans to "reflect on what binds us together as one: the greatest privilege on Earth, the pride and privilege of being an American."
All three were at a commemoration of 9/11 today. Trump and Harris shook hands, and he tried the dominance trick of using the handshake to pull Harris toward him, which she firmly resisted. His social media website confirmed that the world of professional wrestling is very much on Trump's mind as he apparently tried to reassure himself he, and not Kamala Harris, is the dominant political figure in the country. He clearly doesn't want to agree to another debate and is trying to spin his reluctance as a show of power.
"In the World of Boxing or U[ltimate] F[ighting] C[hampionship] when a Fighter gets beaten or knocked out, they get up and scream, 'I DEMAND A REMATCH, I DEMAND A REMATCH!'" he wrote. "Well, it's no different with a Debate. She was beaten badly last night. Every Poll has us WINNING, in one case, 92–8, so why would I do a Rematch?"

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