Thursday, July 21, 2022

ANS -- How America’s Ruling Elite Plans to Destroy Capitalism

this is a bit of  -- well, it's not exactly satire, but something on that order.  It's kindof half joking and half serious. What's the right word? Sarcasm?  Irony?  Enjoy.  

Jun 14

2 min read

How America's Ruling Elite Plans to Destroy Capitalism

America's ruling elite plans to destroy and discredit capitalism. Hence, America's rulers hope to succeed where Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Adolph Hitler, and Mao Zedong failed.

Evidence of the American elite's plans to destroy capitalism are all around us. Dead malls, main streets full of empty stores, homelessness, $10 a gallon gas, and baby formula shortages are among the many signs that plan is working.

Photo by Karolina Grabowska:

To help our corporate masters achieve their goals and hasten the Chinese takeover of the world we want to encourage American capitalism's destruction. Here, are some of the ways America's elite plans to destroy capitalism.

How America's Elite will destroy Capitalism

  1. By devaluing and discrediting the world's reserve currency the US dollar.
  2. By making it impossible for ordinary people to buy housing anywhere in America.
  3. By exporting all of America's industry to China.
  4. By sabotaging and blocking any effort to replace fossil fuels with better energy sources.
  5. Making cities unlivable so no companies will want to do business in them. See San Francisco for your community's future.
  6. Demonizing Elon Musk and sabotaging his efforts to rebuild American industry.
  7. Making it more profitable for big companies to spend their money buying stock rather than modernizing. They call this scam stock buy backs. It's great for stockholders and bad for everybody else. See Abbott Laboratories (ABBT) and the Baby Formula shortage to see how stock buybacks help American industry.
  8. Destroying all high-paying jobs and unions so ordinary people do not have any money to buy anything with.
  9. Wasting a large proportion of the federal budget on obsolete weapons the military does not need.
  10. Making sure that the government does nothing for anybody besides the rich to make revolution inevitable.
  11. Creating an economy that absolutely nothing for ordinary people.
  12. Ensuring that all college graduates have enormous student loan debts so they will never join the middle class.
  13. Destroying public education so that ordinary people will be too ignorant to take any job that pays a real salary.
  14. Destroying America's transportation system to make it impossible for companies to do business.
  15. Making sure that only incompetent, stupid, and crazy people get elected to public office so that government is incapable of doing anything.
  16. Keeping our private jets fueled up so that we can fly off to countries where they still have capitalism and democracy with all the money we've looted from America when the Revolution comes. For example, Peter Thiel wants to build a luxury lodge in New Zealand.

So yes, America's ruling class wants to destroy capitalism. Unfortunately, they seem to be close to achieving that project.

The comments on the site are pretty interesting because of the variety of reactions.  

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