Thursday, September 23, 2021

ANS -- Brad Hicks on the Pope

Here's a very short article about the Pope by Brad Hicks.  It was posted with an article on the Pope from the Washington Post.  But this is enough: 

When Father Bergolgio was picked to be pope, I was pretty disgusted because I knew of his rumored closeness to the fascist generals who ran Argentina during The Dirty War.
Then, AFTER he had been sworn in as Pope Francis, one of his closest friends back in Argentina went to the press with the story that Bergoglio had socialized with, and served as a confessor for, the fascist generals specifically to spy on them, that information he smuggled out of their social circle saved at the very least dozens of lives, maybe hundreds. That he put his own life at risk and spent his own money to provide leftists with fake travel papers and smuggle them out of the country once he found out that his "friends" intended to have them "disappeared."
So today's story serves as yet another reminder that I believed, at the time, that the college of cardinals thought that they were going to get another fascist like his predecessor, the former Nazi Youth member Pope Benedict. I still can't prove it, but I still think so. I think that they accidentally elected an actual Christian to the papacy is something that the college of cardinals works to overturn every day.

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