Thursday, February 04, 2021

ANS -- Another Symptom of Trump's Plague Hits Republicans

Here's a very short article about How Trump's lies and other pathologies seem to be contagious in the Republican Party.
I tried to get to the other article linked in this one, but I couldn't get it to load.  

OpEdNews Op Eds 2/4/2021 at 16:07:24    H1'ed 2/4/21

Another Symptom of Trump's Plague Hits Republicans

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'Boy, the lies': Cuomo reacts GOP leader's QAnon remark House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy discusses freshman Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene's (R-GA) statement to GOP about her past inflammatory comments.
(Image by YouTube, Channel: CNN)
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Minority leader McCarthy says he doesn't know what QANON is. Is there ANYone in the US who actually believes that? What kind of blatant lying has become acceptable to Republicans? Have they adopted the blatant lying their cult leader Trump established as his norm?

Last fall, I wrote, in my article, The Far More Dangerous Trump Plague: The Psychopath Trumpdemichow Trump has unleashed a plague of psychopaths, narcisssists and psychopathic, narcissistic behaviors.

Chronic lying is a common characteristic of psychopaths and narcissists. McCarthy was referencing the five hour meeting congressional Republicans held to discuss how to deal with Congresswomen Greene and Cheney.

Supposedly, Greene, in the closed door, private meeting, she offered contrition, but not an apology for some of her most outrageous comments made on social media - including questioning the 9/11 attacks, blaming a space ray directed by a Jewish cabal for a deadly wildfire in California and challenging the actuality of school shootings where many children were killed.

Greene said she learned to be more careful in what she posted to social media.

I don't believe her. I don't believe McCarthy. They are lying. The 140 Republicans members of the House of Representatives who voted to challenge the results of the 2020 presidential elections were acting dishonestly.

What about the millions, probably tens of millions of people who support the QANON narrative? They buy these lies. I consider these delusional believers in QANON to be more deeply marinated-in-the-koolaid Trump cult members. And I see it as a form of mental illness.

These are all manifestations of the Trump plague. Trump supporters came up with the idea of TDS-- Trump Derangement Syndrome, characterizing people's angry response to Trump's behavior.

I'm calling the multiple pathologies manifested by Trump's cult members, including the lies told by McCarthy and Greene the "Trump Plague." I don't think it is going away soon. McCarthy has shown us that he is willing to lie of blatantly as Trump. The Republicans in the House of Representatives have made it clear that Greene's lunacy and threats will be not only tolerated but given Standing applause.

Like the Covid-19 pandemic, the Trump plague is going to get worse before it gets better.


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