Saturday, November 28, 2020

ANS -- Why We Should Never Forgive the GOP-- Or their supporters.

Here is an interesting opinion on what might come next if we don't nip it in the bud.  I think it's very important that we show the Politicians that we will not put up with all this blatant cheating and disregard of our democracy.  As someone said, when People have been hurt, they want retribution or restitution.  Even forgiveness requires confession -- just letting it go by does not bring closure.Truth comes before reconciliation is possible.  

Why We Should Never Forgive the GOP

Or their supporters.

Image for post
Photo by Jose M. on Unsplash

If Democrats and Independents do not bring swift legal action against the criminals in the Republican Party and eradicate the corruption in their ranks, the next fascist, racist candidate will be worse — and we may not be lucky enough to escape.

Make no mistake, there will be a GOP candidate in 2024, and this one won't be a National Review reading, intellectual conservative who appeals to moderates. This will be Beelzebub's brother-in-law embracing the confederate flag-waving white supremacists who flocked to Trump's hate rallies. They will be so far right, they will make Biden look like a progressive.

Understand that the Republican Party is no longer populated by those who invoke the Elysium ideals of the past such as smaller government and fiscal responsibility. There will be no pretense of "reaching across the aisle" or reasoned debate, no attempt to hide their naked avarice, and no mercy for the rest of us.

The face of the GOP is no longer a respectable Ronald Reagan, but a snarling Donald Trump and his Qanon "fuck your feelings" clown show. The GOP's unwillingness to speak out against their destruction and abuses mean they own it. The Party's leadership — the inner circle that convinced Richard Nixon to resign over Watergate — could not convince Trump to concede an election he clearly lost.

Think about that.

They will use the next four years whitewashing the blatant crimes and demanding a return to political norms they can smash in the future.

Why this matters.

Imagine where we would be if Donald Trump had been less overt in his narcissism and cruelty — if 10 percent of him had been more human than monster.

Think about if he had been the tiniest bit smarter and therefore slightly more concerned about his public appeal, or his political career.

If Trump wasn't a doddering old man, with orange skin, ridiculous hair, and a fourth-grade vocabulary, would he have been more popular? If he had a competent stylist or tailor, would more voters have been swayed? If he hadn't of been so obvious, would have he garnered a majority of the vote?

What if he had the self-control to stifle his worst impulses or keep his kids out of the public eye? Or he had listened to Pence half the time? Or, Rudy Giuliani never invoked his name?

Imagine a better candidate backed by the ruthlessness we experienced the past four years.

That is what is waiting for us in 2024.

Here is what we can expect.

A smarter, more subtle, and Machiavellian individual with similar objectives as Trump would have easily won a second term.

The next Russian-backed candidate might not be such an overt misogynist. It's clear the social media platforms would rather inflate their numbers rather than stop this shit.

Imagine a world where Trump was granted four more years and no worries about re-election. Imagine a slicker, fiercer, and more determined Trump running without the looming specter of a pandemic.Imagine the likes of McConnell, Barr, Pence and every other bottom feeder with a license to do as they please.

Frightening, isn't it?

Don't move past it.

In the next few weeks, we are going to start hearing about a "national healing" as the criminal class seeks to whitewash their crimes.

This message will be amplified by trolls and bots, then spread by conservatives and Trump supporters. Heck, they may even appear remorseful as they urge us to find common ground. They know the rest of us are empathetic and we despise the chaos. We're tired. We want it to end.

They will use this.

There will be calls for decorum and decency from people like Lindsey GrahamTed Cruz, and Jim Jordan. These are the people who have replaced the William F. Buckley's and Mitt Romney's as the face of the "conservative" movement.

We will be encouraged to "put aside our differences" and focus on the job ahead. There may even be suggestions that we not pursue charges against the Trump crime syndicate from the very same people who defended the challenging of our election process.

We will be sold that pursuing criminal charges won't help the nation address its problems.

Don't Fall For It

It is important that the Democrats and Independents don't fall for this. This is not about retribution or seeking revenge. This is about making sure this scourge does not stand on the sidelines and disrupt our political processes for the next four years.

We need to undo the worst of this New GOP agenda— the voter suppression, the gerrymandering, the stacking the courts — the manifest destiny of the Republican Party.

The last four years have demonstrated that the GOP will stop at nothing, including unconstitutional acts, corruption, or obstructionism to further their agenda. When they have the upper hand, it's a power and money grab. They don't care about leading. They don't care about the country. They don't care about you.

The GOP seeks to end any kind of bipartisanship. They are bent on complete control and political domination.

Remember your greatest fears if Trump was re-elected? That is what is coming if we give the Republicans a second chance.

You may think because we were able to stop Trump, we have regained the country. We have not. We have merely stopped them for the time being.

If we do not eradicate the Republican Party and banish them to the dustbin of history, the next time we won't be so lucky.

Do not forgive and forget because there will be no "next time."


Complicated subjects accessible. Politics, Basic Income, Philosophy. I follow back. Ghostwriter.

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