Shortly after this, I will send you an article about trying to prosecute Rove for his illegal activities.
Find this article here:
Anonymous Claims to Have Hacked into Karl Rove's ORCA Thus Stopping His Vote-Switching 13
We all know that Karl Rove flipped out on FOX News when they announced Obama won Ohio. The video is below if you haven't seen it. Basically, Rove just could NOT understand what was happening, which is what I expected. Although he did have a very shocked "the sun just rose in the west" look on his face, and that is what surprised me. Even more shocking was hearing many top supporters and chiefs cry that Romney was supposed to win with a landslide. That is NOT what the polls had been showing the entire time.
Karl Rove Questions Ohio Call for Obama Victory
{video belongs here}These cyber "protectors of what's right" who refers to themselves as "The Protectors" said that they had been following the digital structure of Rove's operation and of ORCA, a Republican get out the vote software application. After finding open "doors" in the systems, they created a "password protected firewall" called "The Great Oz," and installed it on servers that Rove planned to use on election night to re-route and change election results "from three states."
"ORCA Killer" was launched at 10am EST followed by "The Great Oz" at 8pm EST on November 6th. Both sides watched as ORCA crashed and failed throughout Election Day. Rove even mentions computer problems while on FOX News that night. Rove's computer techs tried 105 times to penetrate "The Great Oz" using different means and passwords.
Is this what happened to Kerry back in 2004 in Ohio when he ran against Bush? A server went down for approximately 90 minutes. When it crashed, Kerry was clearly in the lead. When it finally booted back up, Bush had taken the lead. How? Read on for a theory.
The Ohio Computer Crash in 2004
On the night of 2-3 November, 2004, the computer designated to count Ohio votes was cut out of the loop. Its web address was diverted to a private company in Chattanooga, TN, named SMARTech.The web redirection on Election Night of 2004 went a step beyond this: Not only did the official website of the Ohio Department of State look just right, but it had the right address: . Any citizen or press service looking for real time election results from the state of Ohio would have been directed here. In every sense, this SMARTech site became the official vote tabulation for the state of Ohio.
SMARTech leases computer servers to the Republican National Committee, and the 12-digit ISP address to which the Ohio Department of State was diverted for the 2004 vote count falls between two ranges known to be leased to the RNC. This raises the suspicion that it was an RNC computer, impersonating the state of Ohio computer, that performed the official vote tabulation in 2004. This diversion is so unusual (and brazen!) a ruse, that it is inconceivable that it happened without Blackwell's explicit consent.
Perhaps Anonymous decided that these spoiled rich boys could no longer have their thieving, cheating way any longer. Here is the letter which was supposedly put out by Anonymous explaining how they hacked the hack. LOVE IT!!! Oh, click on the image to pull up a PDF file.
Here is a warning from Anonymous released before the election. I wonder if Karl saw this and completely dismissed it, or if it never caught his attention.
{second video belongs here.}References:
Occupy for Accountability: Karl Rove Loses Election After Being Checkmated By Cyber Sleuths?Democratic Underground: Anonymous Claims It Stopped Karl Rove From Hacking The Election By Hacking ORCA
Democratic Underground: Pivotal Ohio 2004 Vote-Kerry Was Ahead-Then Server Went Down for 90 Minutes-Result-Bush Had Lead!
(who names their website "wonkette"??? A Willy Wonka wanna-be?)
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