Friday, August 28, 2020

ANS -- Twenty things I learned from watching the Republican convention:

This is meant to be somewhat humorous.  From FaceBook.  Written by Joy Morgenstern.  

Twenty things I learned from watching the Republican convention:
1. The pandemic is over and now we're going to re-open our economy.
2. Our cities are crumbling and burning down and if Biden is elected our cities will crumble and burn down and only Trump can prevent cities from crumbling and burning down like they are now while he is president.
3. Black people are all born into poverty but the good ones persevere and become successful without any help from the government except for the help they get from programs that Donald and Ivanka created.
4. Biden is a puppet of radical leftist terrorist communist socialists like AOC and Bernie Sanders and Nancy Pelosi. Plus he's sleepy.
5. Occasionally bad cops kill innocent black people but the way to stop that is to give lots and lots and lots of money to the police.
6. Everyone who knows Trump personally knows that he cares about people and wishes you could see that even though they can't actually come up with one example of him doing anything caring except maybe that time he went to Disneyworld with his kids.
7. Trump isn't actually a rude, narcissistic bigot who calls people racist names, makes fun of the disabled, and advocates rape – he's actually a fighter who doesn't have time for political correctness because he's busy playing golf I mean doing important things.
8. Democrats will force you to abort your unborn child by tearing it from your womb 5 minutes before birth so they can sell your baby for organ harvesting or child slavery.
9. We don't need no stinkin' regulations.
10. Crime is getting worse and worse and worse and if Biden is elected it will spread to the suburbs and they will be destroyed because brown people, who all belong to MS 13, will move in next door to you.
11. God wants you to vote for Donald Trump even though we can't actually talk about how a specific religion and church are an important part of his life, like we usually can with politicians, because we're hoping you're too clueless to notice that Donald Trump never goes to church and doesn't know a thing about religion.
12. Experts don't know anything.
13. We wouldn't have wildfires if we cut down all the trees.
14. The Democrats have closed everything down because they don't want you to go to church.
15. Oil and gas are really good because they provide jobs and energy independence, which is why the Democrats hate them.
16. Public schools are failing and the way to fix them is to give money to private schools.
17. I know you love gay Uncle Bob, so don't throw him under the bus just yet, but he and his San Francisco Democrat friends are interfering with your religious freedom.
18. Trump isn't a nasty career politician like that nasty Biden, and that's why he's gotten so much done, like, you know, those things that have made your life so good right now.
19. Unions are really, really, really bad because they want to tell you when and where you can work.
20. There's absolutely no reason to be concerned about wildfires and hurricanes and other types of destructive weather patterns that are increasing in intensity and number. It's so not a problem that we're not even going to mention it, as California burns to the ground and people in Iowa, Texas and Louisiana are buried under piles of rubble.

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