Thursday, May 02, 2019

ANS -- NO Biden - Some of the Reasons Why NOT Biden

I'm trying to give you a variety of views on the candidates.  Though my collection may not be complete or balanced because I can only send what I find. So here is one on Biden.  I am including the discussion/Comments because it was a pretty good conversation.  Though I suspect a lot of the ones who say they will not vote at all if their favorite isn't the candidate are Russian bots. 

Former Vice President Joe Biden. (photo: Jessica Hill/AP)
Former Vice President Joe Biden. (photo: Jessica Hill/AP)

NO Biden - Some of the Reasons Why NOT Biden

By William Boardman, Reader Supported News

28 April 19

We are in the battle for the soul of this nation…. But if we give Donald Trump eight years in the White House, he will forever and fundamentally alter the character of this nation, who we are, and I cannot stand by and watch that happen. 

– Joe Biden's campaign announcement video (3:30), April 25, 2019

iden's candidacy announcement video is an elaborate exercise in false consciousness, opening with a misleading invocation of the Declaration of Independence. He never mentions the Constitution. The video segues into a shameless bit of soulless exploitation, manipulation, and misrepresentation of the racial events in Charlottesville in 2017. The portentous music, together with Biden's funereal tone, work hard to create the sense that there was meaning and substance where there was neither. Biden can only fake gravitas. He goes on and on about "American values" and "who we are" without naming a specific value or saying who he thinks we are. This is political pandering in the form of a Rorschach blot. This is crude demagoguery that boils down to an appeal to elect a familiar under-achiever just because he's NOT Trump.

Last time anyone looked, ALL the candidates were NOT Trump. And a good many of them actually stand for both articulated values and thought-out policies to put them into practice.

Most of Biden's career has been spent standing by and letting things happen, things that attest to the historic character of "who we are," but are anywhere from not admirable to despicable. Biden's announcement video suggests that Biden would promote racial healing. He never has before, why would anyone believe he could now?

Trump calls Biden "Sleepy Joe." That's actually a compliment in the context of his record. "Sloppy Joe" would be more apt. Trump grabs women by the pussy, Biden grabs women by the shoulders. There's a difference, but they're both grabbers. Maybe the most realistic thing to call him is "Creepy Joe."

In reality, Biden has been horrendously awake and active on the wrong side of too many issues. Here are some of them, unranked.

Biden actively supported the Iraq War, helping President Bush lie the country into war.

Biden actively supports the Afghanistan War and always has. He supports drone strikes and CIA-trained death squads without any apparent concern for civilians maimed and killed.

Biden is silent on Saudi Arabia's criminal war on Yemen, green-lighted by President Obama.

Biden has advocated a non-specific "military solution" for Syria, but not recently.

Biden's son Hunter had lucrative interests in Ukraine that were under investigation by Ukraine's top prosecutor. Biden has boasted of leaning on Ukraine president Poroshenko, who fired the prosecutor.

Biden backed the aggressive and deceitful eastern expansion of NATO, knowing it would likely lead to unnecessary confrontation with Russia.

Biden has long supported tax cuts for the rich.

Biden supports cutting Medicare and Social Security.

Biden voted for the banking "reforms" that loosened banking regulation and opened the way to the 2008 crash.

Biden actively supported credit card companies and other lenders in their efforts to gouge the public with usurious interest rates and other debt enforcement mechanisms.

Biden has supported the War on Drugs through all its failed permutations. He opposes any legalization of marijuana.

Biden opposed busing to integrate schools, without offering any alternative to promote integration. He joined with racist senators Jesse Helms and Strom Thurmond to craft regressive "bipartisan" legislation. He falsely claimed to have once been a civil rights activist.

Biden has been a relentless demagogue on crime issues. He has been comfortable with their underlying racist bias, contributing to the massive, unjust incarceration that enriches private corporations. Biden pushed for harsh minimum sentencing, not justice. He supported civil asset forfeiture. He voted for racist sentencing for possession of crack cocaine (harsh for blacks) and powder cocaine (light for whites).

Biden has backed numerous new death penalty laws.

Biden has claimed, falsely, that he has the most progressive record of any candidate.

Biden is not a firm supporter of a woman's right to choose.

Biden has yet to offer anything positive and humane with regard to immigration. Biden has backed draconian deportation law and police state tactics of border enforcement.

Biden has backed US policies that have made Central America unlivable, including support for the military coup in Honduras.

Biden voted for NAFTA.

Biden was the chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee during Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas's hearings. Biden treated Anita Hill abysmally. Worse, Biden refused to call corroborating witness who would have supported Hill's account of Thomas's awfulness. Biden is singularly responsible for one of the least qualified justices in our history. And recently, creepy Biden called Hill to say he regretted what she went through. But he didn't apologize and has yet to accept personal responsibility for his own actions. He has yet to attempt anything to atone for them.

Biden is a corporate money candidate. His first campaign fundraiser was a lobbyist-rich event at the home of a Comcast executive, signaling Biden's opposition to net neutrality.

If Biden has any new – never mind progressive – views on health care, criminal justice, education, climate change, war, or any other important issue, he has yet to articulate any of them.

Does Biden stand for anything concrete that you care about?

Biden is like Trump-Lite. Biden may be no more than Trump polite. Biden is a substantively empty vessel with a shiny self-reflecting surface.

Biden pitches himself as a "return to normalcy." A close reading of his record would define "normalcy" as endless war, endless racial divide, endless injustice, endless enriching the rich, endless grabbing heads and pressing noses as if that were some token of sincerity and authenticity.

Running as the NOT-Trump is a reasonable approach for most candidates, but for Biden, it's ridiculous. Biden has no identifiable attribute that will move the country forward toward a better, more honest, more civilized condition.

Biden was once, perhaps, "who we are" in a negative sense of the phrase. Now he's who we were, and that's how it should remain, for the sake of the soul of the nation.

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William M. Boardman has over 40 years experience in theatre, radio, TV, print journalism, and non-fiction, including 20 years in the Vermont judiciary. He has received honors from Writers Guild of America, Corporation for Public Broadcasting, Vermont Life magazine, and an Emmy Award nomination from the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences.

Reader Supported News is the Publication of Origin for this work. Permission to republish is freely granted with credit and a link back to Reader Supported News.



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+12# RLF 2019-04-28 17:23
This all could be said about all of the Democratic darlings running in a party that values campaign cash over all else. He's another Hillary the party is trying to shove down our throats...and I'm not going eat the "anyone but Trump" horse crap this time either.
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+16# WBoardman 2019-04-28 17:55
Biden illustrates the political promise of personifying nothing.
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+20# wrknight 2019-04-28 18:42
I know I've said this many times, but Biden is long past his pull date.
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+22# wrknight 2019-04-28 18:45
My guess is that it was Nancy Pelosi who tipped the scale for his decision to run. Nancy will do anything to protect the Democratic Party's status quo and prevent progressives from obataining any real power.

It's time for voters to get rid of the Old Guard Democrats.
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+7# RussellB 2019-04-28 18:51
If Biden is the nominee I go Third Party, no doubt about it.
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+6# dquandle 2019-04-28 19:59

Trump po'.... lite...
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+18# trimegestus 2019-04-28 21:04
Joe Biden's past voting record is more relevant than his campaign speeches.

William Boardman's concise summary of Biden's record is a valuable resource. 

According to Wikipedia, Biden sponsored the [Omnibus Counterterroris m Act of 1995, in Senate bills S.390 and S.761.] Biden has said that the [2001 USAPATRIOT Act] is essentially a duplicate of his 1995 bill. Most progressives and civil liberties advocates consider the Patriot Act to be a tool that is incompatible with a free society. Many consider it to be unconstitutiona l. 

Please share this article's link with friends; and support RSN with a donation.
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+14# Fishmael 2019-04-28 21:29
Please do a web-search on "Joe Biden and the Patriot Act". Here is one link: This fact does NOT seem to make it into many criticisms of Creepy Joe
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+12# economagic 2019-04-28 21:56
Bravo! Not much I can add, save that "normalcy" has been killing us for decades, and many of us knew it and railed against it then.
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-3# Rationalist 2019-04-28 22:51
Please, just stop it with the "Creepy Joe" moniker. I agree with most of the points raised in this article and also wish that Biden had not thrown his hat into the ring. But, in the event that Biden should happen to become the nominee, low-blow attacks like this could be harmful. Disagree strongly on policy, but leave the personality assassination out of it. Biden's touch-iness may be a tad excessive, (but in no way comparable to Trump's groping), but it does a profound disservice to our cause to keep this non-issue alive. Let the Trumps of this world demean themselves by making a "thing" of it--when they say it, swing voters will recognize it as the cheap shot that it is. We should be above this.
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+9# WBoardman 2019-04-29 14:12
Rationalist makes a point of decorum that 
used to be standard lip service 
(except when it wasn't for the sake of Willie Horton or 
McCain's black child orLBJ's daisy-plucking ad). 

The point of politeness has always been partly denial. 

Is it really a "low blow" to identify Biden's creepiness? 

It's not just "Biden's touchiness" that's creepy. 
As I wrote, it's not Trump-scale, but it's on the spectrum. 
A lifetime of unwanted touching is not "a non-issue." 
But that's where his creepiness begins, not ends. 

Biden's nepotism trail is creepy. 
Biden's self-dramatizat ion is creepy. 
Biden's insensitivity on race is creepy. 
Biden's affection for war is creepy/ 
Biden's comfort with police state methods is creepy. 

Creepy Joe is ad hominem, to be sure, but it strikes a nerve 
because there's reason to believe it. 

Just ask Anita Hill.
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-1# dseiple 2019-05-01 11:40
I agree with Rationalist. Settling into over-the-top invective (ad hominem or not) is not a way to conduct politics. If you can't make a point without that, then calm down and wait. Not doing that is partly what defines Trumpism. 

I notice that WBoardman is part of RSN. So I'm withdrawing my monthly donation, if I can figure out how to do it. And this saddens me... but I guess that's the best way to make my point. "Republicans get eaten by the media; progressives get eaten by each other."
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0# WBoardman 2019-05-01 16:39
This is unfortunate. 

dseiple seems to imply that Biden is a progressive. 
Based on what evidence? 

and if dseiple is withdrawing support for RSN, 
how is that not an example of 
"progressives get[ting] eaten by each other" 

then there's the censorship question....
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+6# 2019-04-28 23:06
So, who is going to demand review, reform, and valid, reliable, and verifiable oversight of the CIA, FBI, and Intel should they continue to exist? Who is going to demand that they are OUT of our universities and medical institutions but for retiree teaching and job fairs, with full disclosure? We should have a new entity dedicated specifically and only to monitoring for foreign agents in our schools. Who is going to demand that Eisenhower's and Truman's warnings are finally upheld and that legitimate, verifiable, checks and balances over purpose, goals, and missions are in place ensuring a return to decency, integrity, and Our Republic of, by, and for the People? Who is going to ensure that Our Soldiers and all Americans, wherever they are, work, fight, and die for JUST causes only, upholding Our Constitution and humanity, nothing less? Who is going to ensure that we are that Beacon -- for if not us, who? The person who acknowledges that these are indeed issues, more than any other, that threaten to fully destroy Our Democracy if not addressed as priority, and as mentioned here, and who agrees to address and resolve these issues as outlined, that person will have my vote. To understand better why I feel that these are the most important issues of our time, please see my site ourconstitution .info, Home, Medical-Militar y (at the Home tab), and Links pages. Protest with me in Miami, or wherever you are, before it is too late.
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+16# Mimi Kennedy 2019-04-29 00:11
I agree. Biden is old school, old guy, old politics. It is that arrogance again of being sure you can win, the other guy's so bad we don't need anything new. Back to normal? Boardman lists it all
Here to remind us how much normal sucked. Democrats will lose again. Sadly, all we need is the perception of Joe not being the right candidate for the new young progressives- and the thieves, be they Russians or GOP operatives or one-issue zealots —will steal it carefullybsgson at the electoral college.Wish Joe hadn't done this.
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+10# DongiC 2019-04-29 05:05
Other than these few items, what do you have against candidate Biden, Mr. Boardman? If Creepy Joe gets the democratic nomination, we will have an election from hell. Please Lord, don't let this happen.
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+2# JCM 2019-05-01 07:40
For those thinking that they will go third party if Biden is the nominee:
Have we not learned anything from the 2016 and 2018 election. We win when we vote together and lose when we don't. Ask yourself, will a Biden administration be worse than a rump administration. Probably not, and I know not much better. But as President, Biden would have pick of the next Supreme Court Justice and as bad as Biden has been would pick a less conservative than rump. That alone is worth voting for any Democrat. As much as I would hate Biden to win I would never vote in a way that would empower the republicans.
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+2# WBoardman 2019-05-01 16:44
JCM makes an important point about the Supreme Court. 

Of course this political blackmail but if the choice is 
Trump or Biden, it has to be Biden. 

I don't think Biden beats Trump, but who knows? 
That predictive framing strikes me as crystal balling. 
Better to look for the most substantively solid candidate, no?
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