Monday, May 20, 2019

ANS -- Brad Hicks on abortion

Here is Brad Hicks' take on the current abortion controversy.  He is asking for donations for NARAL.  Free to ignore that if you wish.  
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Brad Hicks is  asking for donations.
28 mins · 

The problem with this is that it has never been about abortion itself. And it's obviously never been about fetuses. Francis Schaeffer, Junior, the original fund-raiser and propagandist for what came to be known about Moral Majority, is unambiguous about this in volume 2 of his auto-biography, Crazy for God.

Schaeffer Junior grew up on his dad's cult compound and it was there that he used his dad's position as cult leader, plus nagging and guilt-tripping, to bully the rich, beautiful daughter of one of his dad's cult followers into having one-time "pity sex" with him. Without birth control, because birth control was illegal then where they were. She got pregnant. And was in a place where abortion was also illegal. So her parents, and Schaeffer Junior's parents, forced her to marry him.

And when the US Supreme Court handed down Roe v Wade, Schaffer says it broke his heart to think that because of birth control and abortion, no young man like him would ever have the opportunity to be blessed by God the way that he was. Won't someone think of the poor young men in that situation?

To this day, Schaeffer Junior regrets what he did next, hooking up with Jerry Falwell and Ralph Reed to found the Moral Majority within the Republican Party. But his regret isn't about what he did, he still defends that, but that Democrats "made him do it" by siding with the feminists instead of with the Catholic Church.

But if you don't understand this, it must baffle you why they're just as opposed to birth control as they are to abortion. And some of it is about the famous limerick: "A modest young maiden from Wilde / Sought to keep herself undefiled / By thinking of Jesus, / Contagious diseases, / And the bother of having a child." Some of it is about making "proper" women afraid to have sex. But if you think it's only about that, it must baffle you that a loud, politically disproportionately powerful faction oppose abortion in the case of rape, and even advocate parental rights for rapists.

It's about "once a man touches a woman with his penis, he owns her," whether he had her permission or not.

And that's why arguing with them is futile. You don't argue with the 15% or 20% of us who think that way. You expose them as the rape apologists they are. You form coalitions with anybody else who's disgusted by the idea that men can claim and then own women. And if that's not enough to stop them, you oppose them by any other means necessary.

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