Sunday, December 13, 2020

ANS -- Sara on what to expect from the Trumpistas in the next few months

Here is a short essay by Sara Robinson on what to expect in the next few months.  she is an official Futurist, so she knows if anyone does.  It was posted on Facebook with an article about the stabbings at a Trump protest.  Very short.  

I've been saying for months that we were in for a bad six months if Biden won.
And that this was the GOOD scenario — we'd have been in for a bad decade if Trump had gotten a second term. The brownshirts would have unleashed themselves, with full support from law enforcement and a Trump-run military; and every city in America would have become Portland.
As it is: we're looking at violence into the summer, with fatalities from the low hundreds to the low thousands. Biden's FBI and other resources will put it down over time, but that process can't start until he takes office. Until then, we're going to get a big taste of what our entire future would have looked like with Trump in charge. These guys have unleashed themselves on us now, with the chief goon's approval, and the next month will be a bloody one.
Just remember: however bad it gets, it's still a shadow of what it would have been if Trump had won.
On January 20, Biden will sweep into office with a huge mandate to Do Something About It. The left-wing chaos that Trump leveraged in the election will be quickly overwritten by the vastly more bloody chaos we're now seeing from the right. Even center-rightists and many evangelicals will be horrified. Say what you want about BLM and all, but nobody on the left was actually wandering the streets looking for random citizens to beat up, shoot, and stab. They really were peaceful protestors.
These guys, OTOH, have been rehearsing violence against their fellow Americans in their heads their entire lives. And we're about to get the full illustration of what that difference in intention looks like.

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