Thursday, November 12, 2020

ANS -- Sara on Democracy is a verb

Here is a very short post from FaceBook, written by Sara Robinson, who is a writer and Futurist.  
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My friend Sara Robinson's thoughts on what is going on... we must be vigilant. Democracy is a verb! Stay involved!!!
What worries me is not that Trump is going to flip the election. It's that the tantrum that he's now throwing has successfully convinced some large slice of his 70 million voters (and a majority of the Republican Party) that the entire election is a farce. When Biden wins, they will be left believing that they live in a banana republic, and that Biden's presidency is entirely illegitimate.
They ran this game on Obama, but only the farthest-right fringe believed it all the way down. At least, they accepted the election numbers, even if the winner himself was an ineligible Muslim terrorist.
This time, we may well find ourselves with a Republican Party that's thoroughly convinced that elections are rigged, democracy is dead, America is over, and the president was installed via a coup. Having withdrawn their consent to be governed, they won't feel bound by our laws or courts. They will be completely free to act as they please.
This is the mindset of secession, revolution, and civil war.
Those of us who thought that we were finally seeing the series finale of the Trump Show should prepare for disappointment. He's launching a new season in which he'll star as the outside agitator, leading a rebel faction into a confrontation with a corrupt and broken America. His enemies in this new season of grievance will be the prosecutors who come after him. There's a real risk that he may get off again -- these cases may not get far when the attorneys and judges become targets of mass mob intimidation and violence.
The fury of the right wing is rising, not ebbing, with Trump's loss. Biden is trying hard to heal the nation, but Trump -- lost in his narcissistic rage -- is twisting the knife in ways that are guaranteeing blood loss by the quart, and eviscerating our nation's ability to survive.
The last civil war started with an election. Trump's doing his damndest to make sure that this election tears us apart, too.
This scenario is stoppable, but stopping it begins with understanding what's unfolding on the other side right now.

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