Wednesday, November 20, 2019

ANS -- Things they don’t tell you in Youth Group: the Republican Party doesn’t actually care about saving babies.

Here is a short piece on abortion from a pro-life perspective.  Send it to all your right wing friends.  It's a conservative Christian who has realized that helping take care of babies and parents is a better way to prevent abortions than to forbid them.

Meryl Angelicola
May 21 · 3 min read

Things they don't tell you in Youth Group: the Republican Party doesn't actually care about saving babies.

I am a pro-life Christian who believes life begins at conception. I grew up in the South, attended church three times a week, and went to a Christian school. I had a duct tape Bible. Also, I got a pro-life tattoo when I was 18.

I think you get the idea.

I am going to say something that might make some of you defensive and uncomfortable, especially if - like me - you spent many of your formative years in conservative Christian communities, surrounded by conservative Christian culture.

This message is for those who believe life begins at conception and who consider themselves pro-life. I ask that you hear me out.

If you believe life begins at conception, then you are likely pro-life because your goal is to save the lives of babies. From a political standpoint, this can be done in two ways:

  • 1) Through legislation that makes abortion illegal.
  • 2) By using tax dollars to provide services and resources that allow individuals to prevent unwanted pregnancy and/or feel better equipped to bring a baby into the world.

The first way allows conservatives to maintain and assert more power/control over others. It involves taking away options instead of providing options.

The second way requires that we give our tax dollars to better the lives of others. To provide them with resources that may not be affordable so that they can prevent pregnancy and feel confident about bringing a baby into the world.

Interestingly enough, the Republican party has fully embraced option one and rejected option 2.

So, what does it say about the pro-life party if they are only willing to do the first, but not the second? It says that the priority is saving babies, as long as they dont have to give up their money or power to make it happen.

What does it say about the pro-life party if Democrats, the pro-choice party, are the champions for the measures that provide these resources?

What does it say if the pro-life party not only disagrees with these policies, but actively fights against them?

It says that the pro-life party isn't really pro-life.

Access to affordable, effective birth control saves babies.

Paid maternity leave saves babies.

Affordable childcare saves babies.

Sex education saves babies.

Supporting programs and resources for lower-income families and individuals saves babies.

Affordable healthcare saves babies.

Keeping families together saves babies.

If you also believe life begins at conception and consider yourself pro-life, do you support the measures I just mentioned?

If not, saving babies isn't your top priority. You are choosing money and power over the lives of babies. You are choosing principles and "being right" over saving the lives of babies. Fewer unwanted pregnancies = fewer abortions. Making it easier for families to raise a baby in this world = fewer abortions.

The pro-life party is choosing power and money over the lives of babies. That's why people don't take the pro-life movement seriously when they try to claim legislation is about saving a life and not asserting control. Because if you only prioritize saving the lives of babies when it doesnt cost you anything, you aren't actually prioritizing them at all.

Babies are dying because the pro-life party isn't willing to give their money and power to support programs and resources that reduce abortion.

If you grew up in the conservative church like I did, this is going to be really uncomfortable. You might feel defensive at my words, you might be tempted to disregard them. Honestly, I went through the same range of emotions when I first realized that things weren't as simple as I had been told they were.

If you feel offended, defensive, angry, sad or disappointed after reading my words... I understand. But before you move on and stop listening, I just ask you to do one thing: sit in the discomfort and be willing to think about it.

If you really care about saving babies, is it too much to ask? Just think about it.

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