Wednesday, July 17, 2019

ANS -- Billionaires and Numbers

Here is an interesting thought problem about money and numbers.  Fairly short.  

One of the main reasons that billionaires exist in our world is that humanity is terrible at understanding numbers, specifically those that are really big and really small. 

Here is the lesson I gave my students. It uses Cookie Clicker! 1/
So cookie clicker is an addictive app where you try to get the most cookies by making more things that...

Look, I set the program to make 1 cookie per second.

How long will it take before you have a BILLION cookies. Make guesses, don't just solve it. 2/
If you guessed 31.7 years, you cheated. I wanted actual guesses.

Now, imagine those cookies are dollars. So, every second, I'm going to give you $1.

That's $86,400 per day. Imagine what that kind of money would do for you. Half of that once would change my life. 3/
After a month you've gained over $2.5 MILLION. $250000! Most people would never know what to do with that kind of cash. I'd never work again!

After one year you're at $31.5 MILLION. Money is now abstract to you. 4/
31 YEARS to make a BILLION dollars. Imagine how long it takes for you to age a year (a lot more time than for me as a teacher! Heyo!)

Humans aren't capable of understanding big numbers. And saying Billion just doesn't help. Here, it looks like this:


Now some of you might have caught it, but that's not actually a billion that I wrote. I added an extra zero.

But that's again to prove a point. Eventually, you start having so many zeroes, you can't tell what you're looking at without partitioning.


There is a reason I join the crusade that there are NO "good" billionaires. 

At some point you're not increasing your standard of living, you're just a dragon hoarding gold. Gold that could solve real human problems.

How many years would it take you to match cookies: 7/
If you earn $1 per SECOND, how long would it take to beat the richest person in the world?
Buffett: 2614 years
Gates: 3057 years
Bezos: 4151 years

If the average lifespan of an adult male is 80 years, Bezos has "earned" enough cookies for 51 lifetimes. 

Imagine you have $131 and you go shopping. You drop $1. Would you notice?

Bezos has $131 BILLION. He could lose a BILLION DOLLARS and not be affected.

Until humanity evolves a way to grasp numbers that large, we will continue to suffer under the rule of greedy shitlords.

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