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Occupying the State of the Union
The conventional wisdom about Occupy Wall Street is that it failed. It made a splash and generated headlines, but ultimately it elected no candidates, passed no laws, and didn't even leave behind a memorable lost-cause proposal like the Equal Rights Amendment. So it was all a big waste of the activists' effort and our attention.By contrast, the Tea Party did elect candidates and has influenced all kinds of laws, especially at the state level. Without the Tea Party, the government wouldn't have shut down last October. You may not consider that much of an accomplishment, but it is proof of continuing influence. The Tea Party may eventually even displace the Republican establishment and take over half of the two-party system.
What has Occupy done to rival that?
But all along, Occupy visionaries like David Graeber were defining success differently:
- For the last quarter millennium or so, revolutions have consisted above all of planetwide transformations of political common sense.
What they really do is transform basic assumptions about what politics is ultimately about. In the wake of a revolution, ideas that had been considered veritably lunatic fringe quickly become the accepted currency of debate.
Now consider President Obama's 2014 State of the Union and the responses from Cathy McMorris Rodgers (for the Republican Party), Mike Lee (for the Tea Party), and Rand Paul (who seems to be a party unto himself). Maybe it's not surprising that President Obama would talk about inequality and how difficult it is to stay in the middle class:
- Today, after four years of economic growth, corporate profits and stock prices have rarely been higher, and those at the top have never done better. But average wages have barely budged. Inequality has deepened. Upward mobility has stalled. The cold, hard fact is that even in the midst of recovery, too many Americans are working more than ever just to get by let alone get ahead.
Bear in mind how conservatives used to respond whenever liberals tried to make inequality an issue: Wealth has nothing to do with poverty. Wealth is conjured out of the aether by creative capitalists, not usurped from the common inheritance or distilled from the blood and sweat of the laboring masses. So talk about poverty if you must, but don't talk about wealth and poverty in the same paragraph, because they're totally separate phenomena. This was still the conservative conventional wisdom two weeks ago, when David Brooks argued (in his own italics):
- to frame the issue as income inequality is to lump together different issues that are not especially related.
But post-Occupy, everybody knows about the 99% and the 1%. And it's no longer anti-American to point out that the 1% (and mostly the .01%) have owned all the productivity growth of recent decades.
Mike Lee's Tea Party response doesn't deny any of this, but instead tries to pin it on government and President Obama:
- This inequality crisis presents itself in three principal forms: immobility among the poor, who are being trapped in poverty by big-government programs; insecurity in the middle class, where families are struggling just to get by and can't seem to get ahead; and cronyist privilege at the top, where political and economic insiders twist the immense power of the federal government to profit at the expense of everyone else.**
[W]here does this new inequality come from? From government every time it takes rights and opportunities away from the American people and gives them instead to politicians, bureaucrats, and special interests.
- our mission not only as Republicans, but as Americans, is to once again to ensure that we are not bound by where we come from, but empowered by what we can become. That is the gap Republicans are working to close. It's the gap we all face: between where you are and where you want to be. The President talks a lot about income inequality. But the real gap we face today is one of opportunity inequality
And with this Administration's policies, that gap has become far too wide. We see this gap growing every single day.
But as Rodgers gets down to cases, it's clear she's talking about a chasm opening up behind middle-class voters, threatening to suck them into poverty as it has already claimed so many of their friends and family:
- We see it in our neighbors who are struggling to find job, a husband who's now working just part-time, a child who drops out of college because she can't afford tuition, or parents who are outliving their life's savings. Last month, more Americans stopped looking for a job than found one. Too many people are falling further and further behind because, right now, the President's policies are making people's lives harder. Republicans have plans to close the gap.
- Parents worry about their children growing up in a country where good jobs are few and far between. More than ever before, Americans wonder how they'll afford to send their kids to college, and what will happen if they lose their job.
Prosperity comes when more money is left in the private marketplace.
Economic growth will come when we lower taxes for everyone, especially people who own businesses and create jobs.
Recall the opening shot of the Tea Party's rebellion, Rick Santelli's famous rant a few weeks after Obama took office. Backed by a cheering mob of traders on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, Santelli challenged the new president:
- How about this, president and administration: Why don't you put up a web site to have people vote on the internet to see if we really want to subsidize the losers' mortgages? Or would we like to at least buy cars and buy houses in foreclosure and give them to people that might have a chance to actually prosper down the road, and reward people that could carry the water instead of drink the water?
[Gesturing to include all the traders***] This is America! How many of you people want to pay for your neighbor's mortgage that has an extra bathroom and can't pay their bills? Raise their hands! [boos from the crowd]
Everyone but Rand Paul is acknowledging that some kind of gap needs to be bridged, that some people have more of this vaguely defined "opportunity" that you wish you had. Mike Lee is even denouncing "privilege at the top", though he blames this privilege on government favors rather than the normal workings of capitalism.
It's important to realize what we're seeing: an early stage in the "transformation of political common sense". People who believed and may still believe that OWS was horribly misguided and failed completely those same people see the world differently now. The problem isn't that a few "losers" are dragging the rest of us down. The problem is that there's a 99% and a 1%. We're arguing about what caused that and how to fix it, but we all see the problem now.
Thank you, Occupy.
* Ultimately they'll lose that argument, because the facts are clearly against them. Look at the graphs: This problem didn't start with Obama. It started in the Carter-Reagan years. If your explanation doesn't account for that, you're just spinning.
I explain it by Carter and the Democrats in Congress turning to the right: de-regulation, lower capital gains taxes, free trade deals, and turning a blind eye to union-busting. That all started slowly under Carter and then really took off during the Reagan administration. The long version of this story is in Thomas Edsall's The New Politics of Inequality from 1985, but William Anderson of the conservative Mises Institute noted the same thing in 2000:
- Republicans like to point to the failures of the Carter Administration and then claim that Ronald Reagan brought us into the present era. Alas, while I prefer Reagan to Carter, I cannot say that the above statement is true. Granted, much occurred during the Reagan Administration that was good, but if truth be known, many of the important initiatives that enabled those boundaries to expand came from Carter's presidency.
** Perversely, the purest examples of cronyism are due to a trend conservatives champion: privatizing public services like prisons or public schools.
*** I love the assumption that the well-compensated wheeler-dealers on the CME represent "America" and the people who "carry the water". I think it's arguable that American productivity would go up if the Earth swallowed the Chicago Mercantile Exchange whole. The people who really "carry the water" are the ones who grow stuff and build stuff and deliver services. The water-carrier is the single mother who cuts your hair (and who may need Food Stamps to feed her son), not the venture capitalist who conjured up millions by franchising Supercuts.
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